Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Haping Road 138, Nangang District, Harbin city, Heilongjiang province
P.R. China,150081
Telephone: 86-451-86602926
Mobile Telephone: 86-013115606955
1. Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Graduated in September 2005
Ph.D of Science in Ecology
2. Northeast Agricultural University
Graduated in May 2001
Master of Science in Soil Science
3. Sichuan University
Graduated in July 1989
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Work Experience:
1989-Present: works in Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduation from Sichuan University.
1. 2006-Present: works as senior researcher, leader of the Black soil degradation and its recovery, supervisor of the graduate university of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2. 2007.12-2008.6: visiting and studying in Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
3. 2002-2006: worked as associate researcher, visiting and studying in Iowa State University in 2003
4. 2000-2002: worked as associate researcher, supervising network monitor for agricultural ecology in Hailun Experimental Station
5. 1995-2000: worked as assistant researcher, studying on the black soil management and supervising the network monitor for agricultural ecology, visiting Romania in 1999
6. 1989-1995: worked as junior researcher, study on tillage research for soil water conservation,attended the International Soil Tillage Conference in Ukraine in 1993.
During the past two decades, studies were focused on the black soil ecology, including fertility assessment, the evolvement of soil organic carbon and nitrogen under different soil managements and their environmental changing, the degradation process of the black soil in Northeast of China, conservation tillage and soil compaction, soil erosion and its control and so on.
[1] “Analysis and regulate the obstacle factor of black soil in farmland” was awarded “Advance of science and technology second prize of Heilongjiang province”.
[2] “Structure and function of Agricultural ecology system and improvement of productivity in Songnen plain” was awarded “science and technology first grade prize in Changchun institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences ”
[3] “Reorganization of agroecological system data in Songnen plain” was awarded “science and technology second grade prize in Changchun institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences ”
[4] “Black soil degradation and its recovery” was awarded “Advance of science and technology third prize of Heilongjiang province”.
[1] Xiaobing Liu, Xingyi Zhang and S.J. Herbert. 2010. Feeding China’s growing
needs for grain. Nature, 146:420.
[2] X.B. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Y.X. Wang, Y.Y. Sui, S.L. Zhang, S.J. Herbert, G. Ding. 2010. Soil degradation: a problem threatening the sustainable development of agriculture in Northeast China. Plant, Soil and Environment., 2:87-97
[3] Chunyu Song, Xingyi Zhang* and Xiaobing Liu. 2010. Impact of long term fertilization on soil water content in Haploborolls. Plant Soil Environ, 56(9):408-411
[4] Shaoliang Zhang and Xingyi Zhang*. 2011. Influence of topography and land management on soil nutrients variability in Northeast China. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 89:427-438
[5] Zhang, X. Y. and Sui, Y. Y. 2010. Effect of soil organic matter content on crop productivity. in X.B. Liu, C.Y. Song, R.M. Richard and T. Huffman, eds. New advances in research and management of world Mollisols. Northeast Forestry University Press, Harbin, China.
[6] Zhang, X. Y., Liu, X. B. and Sui, Y. Y. 2010. EThe effect of soil erosion on corn and soybean grain yield and recovery in Chinese arable Mollisols. in X.B. Liu, C.Y. Song, R.M. Richard and T. Huffman, eds. New advances in research and management of world Mollisols. Northeast Forestry University Press, Harbin, China.
[7] Zhang, X. Y., Sui, Y. Y., Zhang, X. D., Meng, K. and Herbert, S. J. 2007. Spatial variability of nutrient properties in black soil of Northeast China. Pedosphere. 17(1): 19-29 (in English)
[8] X.Y. Zhang, R. M. Cruse, Y.Y. Sui and J. Zhao. Soil Compaction Induced by Small Tractor Traffic in Northeast China. Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-J(SCI),2006,70:718-725 (in English)
[9] ZHANG Xing-yi, WANG Qi-cun, SUI Yue-yu, YU Tong-yan. Spatial-Temporal Variation of Soil Moisture and Its Spatial Correlations with Soybean Yield in Black Soil Sloping Farmland. Soils, 2006,38(4):410-416
[10] WEI jian-bing, XIAO Du-ning, ZHANG Xing-yi, SUI Yue-yu. Spatial Variation of Soil Bulk Density in Relation to Terrain and Land Use in Eroded of Black Soil Region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 20 (3):118-122
[11] SUI Yue-yu, JIAO Xiao-guang, ZHANG Xing-yi. Effect of different fertinzer application strategies on soil microbial biomass during wheat growth periods. Soils and Fertilizers, 2006,3:48-50
[12] Zhang Xingyi, Liu Xiaobing, Sui Yueyu, Zhang Shaoliang, Zhang Jiuming, Liu Huanjun ,Stephen J. Herbert. EFFECTS OF ARTIFICIAL TOPSOIL REMOVAL ON SOYBEAN DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION AND YIELD IN CHINESE MOLLISOLS. Soybean Science, 2006,25(2):123-126
[13] ZHAO Jun, LIU Huan-jun, SUI Yue-yu, ZHANG Xing-yi, MENG Kai. Analysis for Spatial Heterogeneity of Organic Matter Content and Available Nutrients in Blacksoil Crop Area with Different Scales. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 20 (1):41-44
[14] GAO Chong-sheng, YANG Guo-ting, WANG Jian-guo, ZHANG Xing-yi. CENTURY model's application in farmland ecosystem and its parameters' determination. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture .2006, 22(1): 50-52
[15] SUI Yue-yu, LIU Guang-yuan, GU Si-yu, ZHANG Xing-yi, MENG Kai. Investigation of the black soil physical and chemical properties in northeast China. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture.2006, 21(4): 299-301
[16] ZHANG Xing-yi, WANG Shu-kui and SUI Yue-yu. Evaluation of alkali dispelled nitrogen of black soil in northeast China. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture. 2005, 21(4):305-306,309
[17] Zhang, X. Y. and Sui, Y. Y.International Research Trends of Soil Compaction Induced Machine Traffic. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (EI), 2005, 36(6):122-125
[18] Zhang, X. Y. and Sui, Y. Y.The development of research on effect of machinery compaction on crop growth. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (EI), 2005, 36(10):161-164
[19] Sui Yueyu, Zhang Xingyi.,Jiao Xiaoguang,Wang Qicun and Zhao Jun. Effect of long-term different fertilizer applications on organic Mater and Nitrogen of black farmland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2005, 19 (6):190-193
[20] Sui Yueyu, Jiao Xiaoguang, Zhang Xingyi, Meng Kai and Zhang Jiuming. Integrative evaluation of the black soil fertility. Soils and fertilizers, 2005,5:46-48
[21] Meng Kai, Zhang Xingyi, Sui Yueyu and Zhao Jun. Effect of soil moisture and fertilizer on crop yield and water use efficiency. Journal of ecological agriculture.2005,13(2):119-121
[22] Zhang,X.Y. Spatial Heterogeneity of Available Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Content in Thin Layer Black Soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2004, 18 (4):85-88
[23] SUI Yu yui,ZHANG Xing-yi ,GU Si-yu. Study of evaluation systems of the black soil fertility. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture. 2004, 20(4):265-267
[24] ZHANG Xing-yi,M ENG Kai,ZHANG Zhi-xue,SUI Yue-yu.Study on Matter Accumulation and Energy Flow of Spring Wheat Population in the Black Soil Area. Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2003,23(4):47-51
[25] Meng, K. and Zhang, X.X. Analysis of Water Characteristics of Black soil over Long-term Experimental Researches in Northeast China. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology,2004,16(3):32-38 (in English)
[27] Han Xiaozeng, Wang Shouyu, Song Chunyu, Wang Jianguo, Mengkai, Zhang Xingyi. Research of the feature of the dynamic balance on the soil moisture in farmland of black soil in Hailun district. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture. 2003, 19(4):252-254
[28] Sui Yueyu, Meng Kai, Zhang Xingyi, Zhao Jun. Study on carbon of micro-biomass of black soil are in farmland. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture. 2003, 19(4):305-306
[29] MENG Kai, ZHANG Xing-yi.SUI yue-yu,ZHAO Jun.Black Soil Water Characteristic in Hailun,Heilongjiang. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2003,34(1):11-14
[30] Zhang Xingyi, Sui Yueyu. Effect of soil compaction on crop yield in the black farmland. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2002,4:64-67
[31] Zhang Xingyi.Sustainable developmental management in small watershed area. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture.2001, 17(4):270-272.
[32] Meng Kai and Zhang Xingyi. The analysis of the adjusting ability of the black farmland. Journal of ecological agriculture.2001,9(1):46-48
[33] Zhang Xingyi and Meng Kai. Soil compaction induced by vehicle traffic on soybean and corn field. Soil tillage and cultivation. 2001,5:13-14
[34] Zhang Xingyi. Effects of water and fertilizer coupling on efficient leaf area and grain yield of spring wheat. Chinese Journal of Eco-agriculture,2000,8(4):37-39
[35] Wei Jianbing, Xiao Duning, Zhang Xingyi, Li Xiuzhen, and Li Xiaoyu. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in relation to environmental factor of a typical small watershed in the black soil region, Northeast China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2006,121:597-613