
Zhengjun Xia

Update time: 2011-09-20




Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Harbin, 150081, China

Email:  xiazhj@iga.ac.cn; xiazhj@neigaehrb.ac.cn





1979-1983 B.Sc.   Yangzhou University  

1983-1986 M.Sc.  China (Beijing) Agricultural University

1997-2000 Ph.D.  in Microbiology, Natal University, South Africa






1986- 1997   Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, China, associate professor

2001- 2006   Chiba University, Japan, senior researcher

2007- 2010,  National Institute of Agrobiological Science, Japan, senior researcher,

2010 to present, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science  Harbin, professor




2011         Hundred-Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2018         The first prize in Jilin Provincial State Natural Science Award: Cloning and application of genes underlying important agronomic traits




Major Research Achievements 


1. Successful cloning of functional genes underlying various agronomic traits in soybean and common bean

2. Successful deciphering of molecular identity of the E1 gene largely responsible for the photoperiodic response and flowering time in soybean.

3. Successful isolation of important soybean flowering time or growth habit related genes, i.e. QNE1, GmFT4, qFT12-1E2, E3.

4. Successful construction of soybean BAC library and development of a novel pooling protocol for screening

5. Biological control of Verticillium wilt via endophytic Bacteria.

6. Molecular detection of Stenocarpella maydis in maize



Research interests



1) Elucidation of the gene networks controlling soybean photoperiodic response

2) Identification of key genes conferring agronomical traits to improve soybean productivity

3) Molecular design and breeding of high productive soybean varieties





Xu K, Zhu J, Zhai H, Yang Q, Zhou K, Song Q, Wu J*, Liu D*, Li Y,*Xia Z*. A single-nucleotide polymorphism in PvPW1 encoding β-1,3-glucanase 9 is associated with pod width inPhaseolus vulgarisL. J Genet Genomics. 2024 Oct 9:S1673-8527(24)00258-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2024.09.020. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39389459.

Zhu, X. B., H. Y. Wang, Y. Z. Li, D. M. Rao, F. F. Wang, Y. Gao, W. Y. Zhong, Y. J. Zhao, S. H. Wu, X. Chen, H. M. Qiu, W. Zhang, andZ. J. Xia. A Novel 10-Base Pair Deletion in the First Exon of GmHY2a Promotes Hypocotyl Elongation, Induces Early Maturation, and Impairs Photosynthetic Performance in Soybean. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 6483.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25126483

Zhu, X., Wu, S., Wu, H., Zhang, W. andXia, Z. (2024). The Correlation between Maturity, Plant Architecture and Yield Related Traits of Soybean Cultivars in Northern China. Legume Research. doi: 10.18805/LRF-822.

Gao, Y.; Zhu, J.; Zhai, H.; Xu, K.; Zhu, X.; Wu, H.; Zhang, W.; Wu, S.; Chen, X.; Xia, Z. Dysfunction of an Anaphase-Promoting Complex Subunit 8 Homolog Leads to Super-Short Petioles and Enlarged Petiole Angles in Soybean. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 11024. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms241311024

Xia Z*, Song Q, Harada K, Chen J and Zhou C (2023) Editorial: Genetic characterization of yield- and qualityrelated traits in legumes. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1281138.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1281138

Xu, K., Zhu, J., Guo, N………Xia Z*. A novel 7-base pair deletion at a splice site inMS-2 impairs male fertility via premature tapetum degradation in common bean (Phaseolis vulgaris L.).Theor Appl Genet 136, 56 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-023-04255-8

Xia, Z. J*., H. Zhai, Y. F. Zhang, Y. Y. Wang, L. Wang, K. Xu, H. Y. Wu, J. L. Zhu, S. Jiao, Z. Wan, X. B. Zhu, Y. Gao, Y. X. Liu, R. Fan, S. H. Wu, X. Chen, J. Y. Liu, J. Y. Yang, Q. J. Song, and Z. X. Tian*. (2022).QNE1is a key flowering determining the length of the vegetative period in soybean cultivars.Science China-Life Sciences 65, no. 12 (2022): 2472-90.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-022-2117-x

Zhai, H., Z. Wan, S. Jiao, J. W. Zhou, K. Xu, H. Y. Nan, Y. X. Liu, S. S. Xiong, R. Fan, J. L. Zhu, W. T. Jiang, T. Pang, X. Luo, H. Y. Wu, G. Yang, X. Bai, F. J. Kong, and Z. J. Xia* (2022). GmMDE genes bridge the maturity gene E1 and florigens in photoperiodic regulation of flowering in soybean Plant Physiology, kiac092, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiac092

Bo Hu, Yu-Qiu Li, Hong-Yan Wu, Hong Zhai, Kun Xu, Yi Gao, Jin-Long Zhu, Yu-Zhuo Li, Zheng-Jun Xia*2021. Identification of quantitative trait loci underlying five major agronomic traits of soybean in three biparental populations by specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) sequencing (SLAF-seq) PeerJ . 2021 Dec 14;9:e12416. doi: 10.7717/peerj.12416. eCollection 2021.

Xu K, Zhu J, Zhai H, Wu H, Gao Y, Li Y, Zhu X,Zhengjun Xia 2021 A critical role of PvFtsH2 in the degradation of photodamaged D1 protein in common bean. Horticulture Research Horticulture Research volume 8, Article number: 126 (2021)

Xia Z, Zhai H, Wu H, Xu K, Watanabe S and Harada K (2021) The Synchronized Efforts to Decipher the Molecular Basis for Soybean Maturity Loci E1, E2, and E3 That Regulate Flowering and Maturity. Front. Plant Sci. 12:632754. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.63275

Hu B, Zhu J, Wu H, Xu K, Zhai H,Guo N, Gao Y, Yang J, Zhu D andXia Z (2020) Enhanced ChlorophyllDegradation Triggers the PodDegreening of “Golden Hook,” aSpecial Ecotype in Common Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.).Front. Genet. 11:570816.doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.570816

Li Y, Dong Y, Wu H, Hu B, Zhai H, Yang J andXia Z(2019) Positional Cloning of the Flowering Time QTL qFT12-1 Reveals the Link Between the Clock Related PRR Homolog With Photoperiodic Response in Soybeans. Front. Plant Sci. 10:1303. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01303

Yaying Wang†, Yuqiu Li†, Hongyan Wu1, ….,Zhengjun  Xia*,Genotyping of Soybean Cultivars With Medium-Density Array Reveals the Population Structure and QTNs Underlying Maturity and Seed Traits Frontiers in plant science 9:610.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00610  May 2018,Doi: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00610

Zhang, X. Z.#, Zhai, H.#, Wang, Y. Y., Tian, X. J., Zhang, Y. P., Wu, H. Y., . . .Xia, Z. J*. (2016). Functional conservation and diversification of the soybean maturity gene E1 and its homologs in legumes. Scientific Reports, 6.

Zhai, H#., Lu, S. X#., Liang, S., Wu, H. Y., Zhang, X. Z., Liu, B. H., . . . Xia, Z. J.* (2014). GmFT4, a Homolog of FLOWERING LOCUS T, Is Positively Regulated by E1 and Functions as a Flowering Repressor in Soybean. Plos One, 9(2).

Zhai H, Ning W, Wu H, Zhang X, Lü S,Xia Z*.(2015) DNA-binding protein phosphatase AtDBP1 acts as a promoter of flowering in Arabidopsis. Planta. 2016 Mar;243(3):623-33. doi: 10.1007/s00425-015-2433-y. Epub 2015 Nov 19.

Zhai, H#., Lu, S. X.#, Wang, Y. Q., Chen, X., Ren, H. X., Yang, J. Y., . . .Xia, Z. J*. (2014). Allelic Variations at Four Major Maturity E Genes and Transcriptional Abundance of the E1 Gene Are Associated with Flowering Time and Maturity of Soybean Cultivars. Plos One, 9(5).

Zhai, H.#, Lu, S. X.#, Wu, H. Y., Zhang, Y. P., Zhang, X. Z., Yang, J. Y., . . .Xia, Z. J*. (2015). Diurnal Expression Pattern, Allelic Variation, and Association Analysis Reveal Functional Features of the E1 Gene in Control of Photoperiodic Flowering in Soybean. Plos One, 10(8).

Yang,G., Zhai, H. Y. Wu, X. Z. Zhang, S. X. Lu, Y. Y. Wang, Y. Q. Li, B. Hu, L. Wang, Z. X. Wen, D. C. Wang, S. D. Wang, K. Harada,Z. J. Xia*,  F. T. Xie*, 'Qtl Effects and Epistatic Interaction for Flowering Time and Branch Number in a Soybean Mapping Population of Japanesexchinese Cultivars', Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16 (2017), 1900-12.

Xia, Z. J#*., Wu, H. Y.#, Watanabe, S., & Harada, K. (2014). Construction and targeted retrieval of specific clone from a non-gridded soybean bacterial artificial chromosome library. Analytical Biochemistry, 444, 38-40.

Xia ZJ*,  Watanabe S, Yamada T, Tsubokura S, Nakashima H,  Zhai H, Anai H,  Sato S, Yamazaki T, Lǜ SX, Wu HY,  Tabata S, Harada K (2012) Positional cloning and characterization reveal the molecular basis for soybean maturity locus E1 that regulates photoperiodic flowering. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109 (32) E2155–E2164; (www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1117982109).

Xia ZJ*, Zhai H, Liu BH, Kong FJ, Yuan XH, Hongyan Wu, Cober E, Harada K. Molecular identification of genes controlling flowering time, maturity, and photoperiod response in soybean. Plant Syst Evol (2012) 298:1217–1227

Watanabe S,  Xia ZJ, Hideshima R, Tsubokura Y, Sato S, Yamanaka N, Takahashi R, Anai T, Tabata S, Kitamura K  Harada K (2011) A Map-Based Cloning Strategy employing a Residual Heterozygous Line Reveals that the GIGANTEA Gene Is Involved in Soybean Maturity and Flowering. Genetics 188: 395-407

Tsubokura Y, Hajika M, Kanamori H,XIA ZJ, Watanabe S, Kaga A, Katayose Y, Ishimoto M, Harada K (2012) The β-conglycinin deficiency in wild soybean is associated with the tail-to-tail inverted repeat of the α-subunit genes. Plant Mol Biol 78: 301-309.

XIA ZJ*, Wu HY and Achar PN* (2011) Infection and ultrastructure of conidia and pycnidia of Stenocarpella maydis in maize. J. Food Prot. 74(4):676–680.

Harada K, Watanabe S,XIA ZJ, Tsubokura Y, Yamanaka N and Anai T (2011) Positional Cloning of the Responsible Genes for Maturity Loci E1, E2 and E3 in Soybean. In. Soybean - Genetics and Novel Techniques for Yield Enhancement. Edit by Dora Krezhova. InTech, pp51-76 http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/positional-cloning-of-the-responsible-genes-for-maturity-loci-e1-e2-and-e3-in-soybean 

Kong FJ, Liu BH,Xia ZJ, Sato S, Kim BM, Watanabe S, Yamada T, Tabata S, Kanazawa A, Harada K, Abe J. et al. (2010) Two coordinately regulated homologues of Flowering Time Locus T are involved in the control of photoperiodic flowering in soybean. Plant Physiology 154(3):1220-31.

Liu B, Watanabe S, Uchiyama T, Kong F, Kanazawa A,Xia ZJ, Nagamatsu A, Arai M, Yamada T, Kitamura K, Masuta C, Harada K, Abe J. (2010) Soybean stem growth habit gene Dt1 is an orthologue of Arabidopsis TFL1. Plant Physiol. 153:198-210. 

Xia ZJ, Watanabe, S, Chen, Q S,, Sato, S, Harada, K. (2009). A novel manual pooling system for preparing three-dimensional pools of a deep coverage soybean bacterial artificial chromosome library. Molecular Ecology Resources 9(2):516-524.

Watanabe S, Hideshima R, Xia ZJ, Tsubokura Y, Sato S, Nakamoto Y, Yamanaka N, Takahashi R, Ishimoto M, Anai T, Tabata S, Harada K. (2009) Map-based Cloning of the Gene Associated With Soybean Maturity Locus E3. Genetics 182: 1251-1262. 

Xia ZJ, Tsubokura Y, Hoshi M, Hanawa M, Yano C, Okamura K, Ahmed TA, Anai T, Watanabe S, Hayashi M, Kawai T, Hossain KG, Masaki H, Asai K, Yamanaka N, Kubo N, Kadowaki K, Nagamura Y, Yano M, Sasaki T, Harada K. (2007) An integrated high-density linkage map of soybean with RFLP, SSR, STS, and AFLP markers using a single F2 population. DNA Res. 14(6): 257-69.

Sayama T, Hwang TY, Yamazaki H, Yamaguchi N, Komatsu K, Takahashi M, Suzuki C, Miyoshi T, Tanaka Y,Xia ZJ, Tsubokura Y, Watanabe S, Harada K, Funatsuki H, Ishimoto M (2010) Mapping and comparison of quantitative trait loci for soybean branching phenotype in two locations. Breeding Science 60: 380–389  

Hwang TY, Sayama T, Takahashi M, Takada Y, Nakamoto Y, Funatsuki H, Hisano H, Sasamoto S, Sato S, Tabata S, Kono I, Hoshi M, Hanawa M, Yano C,Xia ZJ, Harada K, Kitamura K, Ishimoto M. (2009). High-density Integrated Linkage Map Based on SSR Markers in Soybean. DNA Res. 16: 213-225

Tsubokura Y, Onda R, Sato S,Xia ZJ, Hayashi M, Fukushima Y, Tabata S Harada K (2008). Characterization of soybean genome based on synteny analysis with Lotus japonicus. Breeding Sci. 58:157-167

Ferdous SA, Watanabe S, Suzuki-Orihara C, Tanaka Y, Kamiya M,Xia ZJ, Yamanaka N, Harada K (2006) Conversion of AFLP Markers Surrounding a QTL, rhg-t1, for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance into PCR-based Markers. Breeding Sci.e 56: 195-199.

Xia ZJ, Sato S, Watanabe S, Yamanaka N, Kawasaki S, Harada K (2005) Construction and characterization of a BAC library of soybean. Euphytica 141:129-137.

Harada K,Xia ZJ(2004) Soybean genomics: efforts to reveal the complex genome. Breeding Science 54: 215-224.

Xia ZJ, Achar PN (2001)  RAPD and PCR markers for the differentiation and detection ofStenocarpella maydis in maize seeds. J. of Phytopathology 149: 35-44.

Zhengjun Xia and P. N. Achar. 1999. Biochemical changes in cotton infected withVerticillium dahliae Kleb. African Plant Protection 5: 59-63.

Xia ZJ, Achar PN, Gu BK. (1998) Vegetative Compatibility Groupings ofVerticillium dahliaeKleb from cotton and eggplant in Mainland China. European J. of Plant Pathology 104: 871-876.


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