◆General introduction
The Research Group of Soybean Molecular Breeding, belonging to Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was established in 2008. Our research interests mainly focus on the improvement of soybean productivity in diverse environments, especially on the adaptation of wide range latitude and molecular design and breeding high yielding soybean varieties. In recent years, our group has published more than 50 SCI papers, such as the papers published in Plant Physiology, Genetics, DNA Research, Journal of Heridity, etc.

◆Soybean Molecular Breeding Team (Team leader: Baohui Liu)
Research Contents
- Elucidation of the gene networks controlling soybean photoperiod insensitivity
- Identification of genes regulating soybean flower identity by reverse genetics and utilization in soybean hybrid seed production
- Molecular design and breeding high productive soybean varieties
- Integration of soybean genomics, genetics and bioinformatics to better understanding gene networks
Baohui Liu, Ph.D, Professor (team leader)
Research interest: Molecular design and breeding high productive soybean varieties
E-mail: liubh(AT)neigaehrb.ac.cn
Weiguang Du, Professor
Research interest: High efficiency of photosynthesis in soybean breeding
Xia Sun, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Research interest: Identification and functional analysis of MYB transcriptional factors in responseness of diverse abiotic stresses
E-mail: sunxia(AT)neigaehrb.ac.cn
Xiangwen Pan, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Research interest: Distant related grafting in soybean breeding
E-mail: panxw52579(AT)163.com
Zeheng Xu, Ph.D student
Research interest: Methylation analysis of E1 gene promoter controlling photoperiod flowering in soybean
E-mail: ls_xuzh(AT)163.com
Jinyue Liu, Master student
Research interest: Functional dissection of Dt1 promoter controlling determination in soybean
E-mail: jinyueljy(AT)126.com
Tingting Guo, Master student
Research interest: Soybean genetic transformation
E-mail: 602707076(AT)qq.com
Tianxiao Lv, research assistant
Research interest: Virus induced gene silencing in soybean
E-mail: tianxiaolv(AT)yahoo.com.cn
Yanhua Wang, research assistant
Research interest: field management
E-mail: syl_xxh(AT)yahoo.com.cn
Yuling Sun, research assistant
Research interest: Secretary and field management
E-mail: syl_xxh(AT)yahoo.com.cn
Selected Publications
1. Baohui Liu, Ryoji Watanabe, Kyuya Harada, Jun Abe. 2010, Soybean TFL ortholog is associated with a determinate habit gene (dt1). Plant Physiology 153( 1): 198-210
2. Liu, Baohui, Abe, Jun.2010, QTL Mapping for Photoperiod-Insensitivity of a Japanese Soybean Landrace Sakamotowase . Journal of Heredity, 101(2):251–256
3. Fan-Jiang Kong, Baohui Liu, Tetsuya Yamada, Keisuke Kitamura, Satoshi Watanabe, Zhengjun Xia, Akira Kanazawa, Kyuya Harada, Jun Abe.2010, Two Homologues of Flowering Locus T are implicated in the Control of Photoperiodic Flowering in Soybean, Plant Physiology 154(3):1-12
4. Kanazawa A, Liu B, Kong F, Arase S. and Abe J. 2009, Adaptive evolution involving gene duplication and insertion of a novel Ty1/copia-like retrotransposon insoybean. The Journal of Molecular Evolution 69:164–175
5. Baohui Liu, Akira Kanazawa, Hisakazu Matsumura, Ryoji Takahashi, Kyuya Harada, Jun Abe.2008, Genetic redundancy in soybean photoresponses associated with duplication of phytochrome A gene. Genetics 180(2): 995–1007
7. H. Matsumura, Baohui Liu, J. Abe and R. Takahashi. 2008 AFLP Mapping of Soybean Maturity Gene E4.Journal of Heredity 99(2):193–197
8. Baohui Liu, Fujita T, Yan Z-H, Sakamoto S, Xu D, Abe J. 2007, QTL Mapping of Domestication-related Traits in Soybean (Glycine max).Ann Bot 100: 1027-1038
◆Soybean Molecular Biology Team (Team leader: Zhengjun Xia)
Research interests:

1. Elucidation of the gene networks controlling soybean photoperiodic response and geographic adaptions
2. Identification of key genes conferring agronomical important traits to improve soybean productivity
3. Identification of genes related to seed quality and resistance to the disease and other stresses.
4. Molecular design and breeding of high yielding and good quality soybean cultivars
Zhengjun Xia, Ph.D, Professor (Team leader)
Research interest: Positional cloning and functional characterization of agronomic important genes conferring flowering time and productivity
E-mail: xiazhj@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Hong Zhai, Ph.D, Assistant Professor
Research interest: Gene networks related to photoperiodic regulation in soybean, Identification and characterization of stress related genes.
E-mail: zhaih@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Hongtao Xiang, Ph.D student
Research interest: Functional characterization of the E1 gene
E-mail: xianght@163.com
Shixiang Lv, Ph.D student
Research interest: Genotyping of flowering time related genes in soybean and identification of factors regulating the E1 expression and photoperiodic response
E-mail: 82325829@qq.com
Hongyan Wu, Research Assistant
Research interest: soybean transformation, lab management
E-mail: Why@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Yan Yang, Research Assistant
Research interest: Field management and lab assistance
Selected Publications
l XIA Z, WATANABE, S, et al. Molecular identity for soybean maturity locus E1 revealed as a novel flowering repressor that acutely regulates flowering time gene network PNAS (submitted).
l Zhengjun Xia, Satoshi Watanabe, Baohui Liu, Fanjiang Kong, Yasutaka Tsubokura, Xiaohui Yuan, Elroy R Cober, Jun Abe, Kyuya Harada. Cloning and characterization of genes related to flowering time and maturity in soybean. Mol. Breeding (Submitted)
1) Tsubokura Y.; Hajika M. Xia Z, Watanabe S Harada K (2011) Molecular characterization of the β-conglycinin deficient soybean. Plant Mol. Bio. (in press).
2) WATANABE S, XIA Z, ,et al. 2011. A Map-Based Cloning Strategy employing a Residual Heterozygous Line Reveals that the GIGANTEA Gene Is Involved in Soybean Maturity and Flowering. Genetics 188(2):395-407
3) Zhengjun Xia*,Hongyan Wu*and Premila N.Achar(2011) Infection and ultrastructure of conidia and pycnidia of Stenocarpella maydis in maize.J. Food Prot. 74(4):676–680.
4) Sayama, T., Hwang,T.Y.,Yamazaki, H., YamaguchiN., Komatsu, K., Takahashi, M., Suzuki, C., Miyoshi, T3., Tanaka, Y., Xia Z,Tsubokura Y.,Watanabe, S, Harada, K., Funatsuki, H and Ishimoto, M (2010) Mapping and comparison of quantitative trait loci for soybean branching phenotype in two locations.Breeding Science 60: 380–389
5) Kong F, Liu B and Xia Z et al. Two coordinately regulated homologues of Flowering Time Locus T are involved in the control of photoperiodic flowering in soybean. Plant Physiology154(3):1220-31.
6) Liu B, Watanabe S, Uchiyama T, Kong F, Kanazawa A, Xia Z, Nagamatsu A, Arai M, Yamada T, Kitamura K, Masuta C, Harada K, Abe J. 2010 Soybean stem growth habit gene Dt1 is an orthologue of Arabidopsis TFL1. Plant Physiol. 153:198-210.
7) Xia Z,, Watanabe, S, Chen, Q S,, Sato, S, Harada, K. 2009.A novel manual pooling system for preparing three-dimensional pools of a deep coverage soybean bacterial artificial chromosome library. Molecular Ecology Resources9(2):516-524.
8) Watanabe S, Hideshima R, Xia Z, Tsubokura Y, Sato S, Nakamoto Y, Yamanaka N, Takahashi R, Ishimoto M, Anai T, Tabata S, Harada K.2009.Map-based Cloning of the Gene Associated With Soybean Maturity Locus E3.Genetics. 182, 1251-1262.
9) Xia Z, Tsubokura Y, Hoshi M, Hanawa M, Yano C, Okamura K, Ahmed TA, Anai T, Watanabe S, Hayashi M, Kawai T, Hossain KG, Masaki H, Asai K, Yamanaka N, Kubo N, Kadowaki K, Nagamura Y, Yano M, Sasaki T, Harada K.An integrated high-density linkage map of soybean with RFLP, SSR, STS, and AFLP markers using a single F2 population.DNA Res. 2007 Dec 31;14(6):257-69.
10) Hwang TY, Sayama T, Takahashi M, Takada Y, Nakamoto Y, Funatsuki H, Hisano H, Sasamoto S, Sato S, Tabata S, Kono I, Hoshi M, Hanawa M, Yano C, Xia Z, Harada K, Kitamura K, Ishimoto M.2009. High-density Integrated Linkage Map Based on SSR Markers in Soybean.DNA Res. 16(4)213-225
11) Yasutaka Tsubokura, Ryutaku Onda, Shusei Sato, Zhengjun Xia, Masaki Hayashi, Yukie Fukushima, Satoshi Tabata and Kyuya Harada.2008. Characterization of soybean genome based on synteny analysis with Lotus japonicus. Breeding Science 58(2):157-167
12) Shameema Akhter Ferdous, Satoshi Watanabe, Chika Suzuki-Orihara, Yoshinori Tanaka, Motokazu Kamiya, Zhengjun Xia, Naoki Yamanaka and Kyuya Harada. 2006. Conversion of AFLP Markers Surrounding a QTL, rhg-t1, for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance into PCR-based Markers. Breeding Science 56(2): 195-199.
13) Zhengjun Xia, Satoshi Watanabe, Naoki Yamanaka, Kyuya Harada, Hiroko Sato; Satoshi Watanabe; Shiji Kawasaki; and Kyuya Harada.. 2005 Construction and characterization of a BAC library of soybean. Euphytica141:129-137.
14) Kyuya Harada and Zhengjun Xia. 2004. Soybean genomics: efforts to reveal the complex genome (Review). Breeding Science 54:215-224.
15) Zhengjun Xia and P. N Achar. 2001. RAPD and PCR markers for the differentiation and detection of Stenocarpella maydis in maize seeds. J. of Phytopathology 149, 35-44.
16) Zhengjun Xia and P. N. Achar. 1999. Biochemical changes in cotton infected with Verticillium dahliae Kleb. African Plant Protection 5(1):59-63.
17) Zhengjun Xia, P. N. Achar and Gu Benkang. 1998. Vegetative Compatibility Groupings of Verticillium dahliae Kleb from cotton and eggplant in Mainland China. European J. of Plant Pathology, 104, 871-876.
18) Zhai H, Bai X, Zhu Y, Li Y, Cai H, Ji W, Ji Z, Liu Xiaofei, Liu X and Li J. 2010. A single-repeat R3-MYB transcription factor MYBC1 negatively regulates freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 394(4): 1018-1023
l Zhai H, Bai X, Zhu Y, Liu X, Liu Xiaofei, Li Y, Cai H, Ji W, and Li J. 2010. Phosphatase AtDBP1 Regulates Drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis by altering leaf surface permeability[J]. Journal of Experimental Botany, (submitted)
l Zhai H, Bai X, Zhu Y, Liu X, Ji Z, Li Y, Cai H, Ji W, Liu Xiaofei and Li J. A root specific expression gene ATHD17 that negatively regulates the lateral root development in Arabidopsis[J]. Developmental Biology(in preparation)
◆Soybean Molecular Genetics Team (Team leader: Fanjiang Kong)

Research Contents
- Identification of genes regulating soybean flower time and maturity by QTL and fine mapping
- Soybean genetic transformation for gene functional elucidation and molecular breeding
- Melocular design and breeding of high quality seed constituents by marker assisted selection
Fanjiang Kong, Ph.D, Professor (team leader)
Research interest: Gene discovering and gene functional elucidation of flowering time in soybean
E-mail: kongfj(AT)neigaehrb.ac.cn
Dong Cao, PhD, Assistant Professor
Research interest: Soybean genetic transformation and CONSTANS function genetic dissections
E-mail: icaodong(AT)163.com
Haiyang Nan, Ph.D student
Research interest: FT/FD protein interaction assay and E5 gene indentificaiton
E-mail: haiyang_mei(AT)163.com
Sijia Lu, Ph.D student
Research interest: Identification of soybean AP1 gene and FT functions in long juvenile trait.
E-mail: jmslsj0310(AT)yahoo.com.cn
Zhenyu Ge, Master student
Research interest: Flowering time QTL identification and FT promoter analysis
E-mail: 526gezhenyu(AT)163.com
Fangfang Wu, research assistant
Research interest: soybean genetic transformation
E-mail: wufangfang919(AT)163.com
Xiaoyuan Zhang, research assistant
Research interest: Molecular marker analysis
E-mail: xiaoyuanyuan_723(AT)126.com
Lingli Kong, research assistant
Research interest: Secretary and field management
Selected Publications
1. Fanjiang Kong, Baohui Liu, Zhengjun Xia, Shusei Sato, Bomin Kim, Satoshi Watanabe, Tetsuya Yamada, Satoshi Tabata, Akira Kanazawa, Kyuya Harada, Jun Abe,Two Coordinately Regulated Homologs of Flowering Locus T are involved in the Control of Photoperiodic Flowering in Soybean, Plant Physiology154(11): 1220-1231
2. Fan-Jiang Kong, Atsushi Oyanagi and Setsuko Komatsu, (2010) Cell wall proteomics of wheat roots under flooding stress using gel-based and LC MS/MS-based proteomics approaches, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1804(2): 124-136.
3. Akira Kanazawa, Baohui Liu, Fanjiang Kong, SachikoArase and Jun Abe, (2009) Adaptive evolution involving gene duplication and insertion of a novel Ty1/copia-like retrotransposon in soybean. Journal of Molecular Evolution,69(2):164-175.
4. Fan-Jiang Kong, Ying Li, Jun Abe, Baohui Liu, Florian Schaller,Markus Piotrowski, Shungo Otagaki, Kosaku Takahashi, Hideyuki Matsuura, Teruhiko Yoshihara, and Kensuke Nabeta, (2009) Expression of Allene Oxide Cyclase from Pharbitis nil upon Theobroxide Treatment, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 73(5): 1007-1013.
5. Kyong-Hee Nam, Fanjiang Kong, Hideyuki Matsuura, Kosaku Takahashi, Kensuke Nabeta and Teruhiko Yoshihara. (2008) Temperature regulates tuber-inducing lipoxygenase-derived metabolites in potato (Solanum tuberosum). Journal of Plant Physiology, 165(2): 233-238.
6. Fanjiang Kong†, Xiquan Gao, Kyong-Hee Nam, Kosaku Takahashi, Hideyuki Matsuura and Teruhiko Yoshihara. (2006) Inhibition of stem elongation in spinach by theobroxide. Journal of Plant Physiology, 163 (5): 557-561.
7. Xiquan Gao, Fanjiang Kong, Fang Wang, Hideyuki Matsuura and Teruhiko Yoshihara. (2006) Inhibitory role of gibberellins in theobroxide-induced flowering of Pharbitis nil. Journal of Plant Physiology, 163 (4): 398-404.
8. Fanjiang Kong, Jun Abe, Kosaku Takahashi, Hideyuki Matsuura, Teruhiko Yoshihara and Kensuke Nabeta. (2005) Allene oxide cyclase is essential for theobroxide-induced jasmonic acid biosynthesis in Pharbitis nil. Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communication, 336 (4): 1150-1156.
9. Fanjiang Kong, Xiquan Gao, Kyong-Hee Nam, Kosaku Takahashi, Hideyuki Matsuura and Teruhiko Yoshihara. (2005) Theobroxide inhibits stem elongation in Pharbitis nil byregulating jasmonic acid and gibberellin biosynthesis. Plant Science, 169 (4): 721-725.
10. Kyong-Hee Nam, Chisato Minami, Fanjiang Kong, Hideyuki Matsuura, Kosaku Takahashi and Teruhiko Yoshihara. (2005) Relation between environmental factors and the LOX activities upon potato tuber formation and flower-bud formation in morning glory. Plant Growth Regulation, 46 (3): 253-260.
11. Dong Cao, Hou W, Song S,Sun H,Wu C,Gao Y, and Han T (2009) Assessment of conditions affecting Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of soybean. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 96:45-52
12. Dong Cao, Hou, W., Liu, W., Yao, W., Wu, C., Liu, XB and Han, T, Overexpression of TaNHX2 in soybean enhances the salt tolerance of the ‘composite’ and whole transgenic plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (accepted)
◆Soybean genomics and bioinformatics (Team leader: Xiaohui Yuan)
Research Contents
1 Bioinformatics platform for supporting soybean gene research and breeding
2 Gene regulatory network for soybean flowering from gene expression profiles
3 Mathematical model for photoperiodic control of flowering
Xiaohui Yuan, Ph.D, Professor (team leader)
Research interest: Gene Regulatory Network, Pattern Formation.
E-mail: yuanxh(AT)neigaehrb.ac.cn
Feifei Wang, Assistant Professor
Research interest: Soybean Genomics
E-mail: wangff08(AT)gmail.com
Xiaohui Zhao, Ph.D student
E-mail: zhaoxiaohui_1234(AT)163.com
Huan Wang, Master student
E-mail: wanghuan111(AT)mails.gucas.ac.cn
Selected Publications
1. Yuan XH, Teramoto T, Nishiura Y: Heterogeneity-induced defect bifurcation and pulse dynamics for a three-component reaction-diffusion system, Phys Rev E 2007, 75:036220.
2. Yuan XH, Peng J, Nishiura Y: Particle Swarm Optimization with Multiscale Searching Method, LNAI (Springer-Verlag) 2005, 3801:669-674
3. Yuan XH, Teramoto T, Nishiura Y: Heterogeneity-induced spot dynamics for a three-component reaction-diffusion system, Comm Pure & Appl Anal 2011, In press
4. Teramoto T, Yuan XH, Bar M, Nishiura Y: Onset of unidirectional pulse propagation inan excitable medium with asymmetric heterogeneity, Phys Rev E 2009, 79:046205.
5. Nishiura Y, Teramoto T, Yuan XH, Ueda K-I: Dynamics of traveling pulse in heterogeneous Media, Chaos 2007, 17: 037104.
6. Teramoto T, Ueda K-I, Yuan XH, Nishiura Y: Information exchange between moving particles and defects, Natural Computing, Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology 2008, Springer, Japan 1: 238-250
7. Zhengjun Xia, Satoshi Watanabe, Baohui Liu, Fanjiang Kong, Yasutaka Tsubokura, Yuan XH,Elroy R Cober, Jun Abe, Kyuya Harada. Cloning and characterization of genes related to flowering time and maturity in soybean. Mol. Breeding. Under Review