1. The mission of the research group
The mission of the Molecular Ecology of Farmland group is to clarify the relationships between genetic and physiological backgrounds of high yield crops and environmental effects in Black soil regions of Northeast China, to analyze the interactions among root-soil-microorganisms, to elucidate the changes of microbial community structures and their ecological functions, and to explore the beneficial ecological resources to improve the potential of carbon sequestration and nitrogen utilization efficiency of soils. The research results of this Group are to provide new theories and technologies to support sustainable development of agriculture in Northeast China.

Team member
2. Research Fields
1) Ecophysiology of crop yield formation
2) Crop root development and rhizosphere ecology
3) Diversity of soil microorganisms and utilization of beneficial microorganism resources
4) Soil microbial community structure and ecological function
5) Diversity of soybean rhizobium and molecular basis for rhizobium infection and metabolism
3. Recent Research Grants
1) Bacteriophage gene diversity in terrestrial environments and their distribution pattern.
2) Diversity of T4-type bacteriophage in differential environments as evaluated by g23 gene diver. National Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013 (41071172).
3) Quantification of photosynthetic carbon distribution among soybean plant, soil, and soil microorganisms. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2010 (40701084)
4) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation repression determined with nodulated and un-nodulated soybean. Youth Innovation Project of Bureau of Science and Technology for Environment and Resources, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011-2013 (KZCX2-EW-QN306)
5) The organic exudate from soybean root affected by phosphorus deficiency, Youth Foundation of Heilongjiang Scientific Committee, 2009-2011 (QC2009C59).
6) Soi biochemical effects of manure application in improving crop productivity, General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2015
4. Group Members
Guanghua Wang, Ph.D, Professor (team leader)

Research interest:Molecular microbial ecology and biological control of soil-borne disease.
E-mail: wanggh@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Xiaobing Liu, Ph.D, Professor

Research interest: Yield Ecophysiology of Crops and Farmland Managment.
Jian jin, Ph.D, Professor

Research interest: Interaction regulation between plant and microbial and the relationship between rhizosphere and plant shoot.
ZhenHua Yu,Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Research interest: soil microbial ecology
Email: imzhenhua@163.com
JunJie Liu,Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Research interest: Microbial ecology
Email: liujunjie0451@163.com
Yansheng LI, PhD, Assistant Professor

Research interest: Crop physiology and ecology
Email: liyansheng@iga.ac.cn
5. Publications
1. Zhou,Keqin, Sui, Yueyu, Liu Xiaobing, Zhang, Xingyi, Jin, Jian, Wang,Guanghua, S.J. Herbert. Crop rotation with 9-year continuous cattle manure addition restores farmland productivity of artificially eroded Mollisols in Northeast China. Field Crops Research, 2015, 171: 138-145.
2. Liu Xiaobing, Sheng Chunlei, Herbert. Mapping soybean physiology research based on the web of science. International Journal of Plant Production, 2015, 9 (4): 561-579
3. Miao Shujie, Zhou, Keqin, Sui Yueyu, Zhang Xingyi, LiuXiaobing. Impact of Eight-Year Topsoil Removal and Soil Amendments on Soil Carbon Dioxide Emission in an Eroded Chinese Mollisols. Agronomy Journal, 2015, 07 (4): 1280-1286
4. Jin Jian, TangCaixian, Peter S. The impact of elevated carbon dioxide on the phosphorus nutrition of plants: a review. Annals of Botany, 2015, 116: 987–999
5. Liu Junjie, Sui Yueyu, Yu Zhenhua, Shi Yu, Chu Haiyan, Jin Jian, Wang Guanghua. Soil carbon content drives the biogeographical distribution of fungal communities in the black soil zone of northeast China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2015, 83, 29-39
6. Jin Jian, Lauricella D, Armstrong R, Sale P, Tang Caixian. Phosphorus application and elevated CO2 enhance drought tolerance in field pea grown in a phosphorus-deficient Vertisol. Annals of Botany,2015,116:975–985.
1. Wang Guanghua, Liu, Junjie, Yu, Zhenhua, Jin Jian, Liu Xiaobing. Unique distribution of cyanobacterial podoviruses and their potential hosts in a paddy field of Northeast China. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2014, 90:331-334
2. Ruiyong Jing, Junjie Liu, Zhenhua Yu, Liu Xiaobing, Wang Guanghua. Phylogenetic Distribution of the Capsid Assembly Protein Gene (g20) of Cyanophages in Paddy Floodwaters in Northeast China. PLoS One, 2014, 9(2): e88634.
3. YuZhenhua, Wang, Guanghua, Marschner, P. Drying and rewetting–Effect of frequency of cycles and length of moist period on soil respiration and microbial biomass.European Journal of Soil Biology,2014, 62: 132-137.
4. Liu Junjie, Zheng Chunyu, Song Changchun, GuoSida, Liu Xiaobing, WangGuanghua. Conversion from natural wetlands to paddy field alters the composition of soil bacterial communities in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.Annals of microbiology, 2014, 64(3): 1395-1403.
5. Liu Junjie, Sui Yueyu, Yu Zhenhua, Shi Yu, Chu Haiyan, Jin Jian, Wang Guanghua. High throughput sequencing analysis of biogeographical distribution of bacterial communities in the black soils of northeast China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 70: 113-122.
6. Jin Jian, Tang Caixian, Robertson A. Increased microbial activity contributes to phosphorus immobilization in the rhizosphere of wheat under elevated CO2. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 75: 292–299.
7. Jin Jian, Tang Caixian, Hogarth T. W., Armstrong R, Sale P. Nitrogen form but not elevated CO2 alters plant phosphorus acquisition from sparingly soluble phosphorus sources. Plant and soil, 2014, 374(1-2), 109-119.
8. Miao Shujie, QiaoYunfa, Han Xiaozeng, Roberta Brancher Franco, Martin Burger. Frozen Cropland Soil in Northeast China as Source of N2O and CO2 Emissions.PloS One, 2014, 9(12): e115761.
9. Zhang Weiwei, WangGuanghua, LiuXiaobing, FengZhaozhong. Effects of elevated O3 exposure on seed yield, N concentration andphotosynthesis of nine soybean cultivars (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in Northeast China. Plant Science, 2014, 226: 172-181.
10. Zhang Weiwei, Feng Zhaozhong, Wang Xiaoke, NiuJunfeng. Elevated ozone negatively affects photosynthesis of current-year leaves but not previous-year leaves in evergreen Cyclobalanopsisglauca seedlings. Environmental Pollution, 2014,184: 676-681
11. Zhang Weiwei, Feng Zhaozhong, Wang Xiaoke, NiuJunfeng. Impacts of elevated ozone on growth and photosynthesis of Metasequoiaglyptostroboides Hu et Cheng. Plant Science, 2014, 226: 182–188
12. Zhou, Keqin, Wang Guodong, Li Yanhua, Liu Xiaobing, S.J. Herbert, M. Hashemi. Assessing variety mixture of continuous spring wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) on grain yield and flour quality in Northeast China. International Journal of Plant Production,2014, 8(1): 91-106.
13. Li Yansheng, Du Ming, Zhang Qiuying, Wang Guanghua, Jin Jian, Stephen Herbert, Liu Xiaobing. Planting date influences fresh pod yield and seed chemical compositions of vegetable soybean. HortScience, 2014, 49:1376-1380.
1. Zheng Chunyu, Wang Guanghua, Liu Junjie, Song Changchun, GaoHongxing, Liu Xiaobing. Characterization of the major capsid gene (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in the wetlands of Northeast China. Microbial Ecology, 2013, 65: 616-625.
2. Jin Jian, Liu Xiaobing, Wang Guanghua, Chen Xueli, Yu Zhenhua, Herbert S. Effect of phosphorus application on hierarchical lateral root morphology and phosphorus acquisition in soybean. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2013, 36: 1578-1589.
3. Miao Shujie, Shi Hai, Wang Guanghua, Jin Jian, Liu Judong, Zhou Keqin, Sui Yueyu, Liu Xiaobing. Seven years of repeated cattle manure addition to eroded Chinese Mollisols increase low-molecular-weight organic acids in soil solution. Plant and Soil, 2013, 369: 577-584.
4. Jin Jian, Wang Guanghua, Liu Judong, Yu Zhenhua, Liu Xiaobing, Herbert S. The fate of soybean photosynthetic carbon varies in Mollisols differing in organic carbon. European Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 64: 500-507.
5. Liu Bing, Liu Xiaobing, Li Yansheng, Herbert S. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on seed growth characteristics and yield components in soybean. Field Crops Research, 2013, 154: 158-163. 6. Li Yansheng, Du Ming, Zhang Qiuying, Hashemi M., Liu Xiaobing, Herbert S. Correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield components of vegetable soybean in Northeast China. Legume Research, 2013, 36: 284-288.
7. Sui Yueyu, Jiao Xxiaoguang, Chen Wenting, Liu Xiaobing, Zhang Xingyi, Ding Guangwei. Labile organic matter content and distribution as affected by six-year soil amendments to eroded Chinese mollisols. Chinese Geographical Science, 2013, 23: 692–699.
8. Sui Yueyu, Jiao Xiaoguang, Liu Xiaobing, Zhang Xingyi, Ding Guangwei. Response of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity to soil fertilization in an eroded farmland of Chinese mollisols. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2013, 44: 2809-2819.
9. Zhang Qiuying, Li ZL., Han Bingjin, Zhou Keqin, Zhang Xingyi, Hashemi M., Liu Xiaobing. Immediate responses of cyst nematode, soil-borne pathogens and soybean yield to one-season crop disturbance after continuous soybean in Northeast China. International Journal of Plant Production, 2013, 7: 341-353.
10.Jin Jian, Tang Caixian, Roger A., Butterly C., Sale P. Elevated CO2 temporally enhances phosphorus immobilization in the rhizosphere of wheat and chickpea. Plant and Soil, 2013, 368: 315-328.
11.Miao Shujie, Shi Hai, Yan Chunjuan, QiaoYunfa. Application BL with seed soaking and culture media, and its effect on nodule formation and development in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) through influencing sugar accumulation. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11: 663-667.
1. Mi Liang, Wang G, Jin J., Sui Y., Liu J., Liu X. Comparison of microbial community structures in four black soils along a climatic gradient in Northeast China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2012, 92: 543-549.
2. Liu Junjie, Wang G., Wang Q., Liu J., Jin J., Liu X. Phylogenetic diversity and assemblage of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in paddy field soils during rice growth season in Northeast China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2012, 58:4:435-444
3. Jin Jian, Tang C, ArmstrongR, Sale P. 2012. Phosphorus supply enhances the response of legumes to elevated CO2 (FACE) in a phosphorus-deficient Vertisol. Plant and Soil.358:91-104.
4. Jin Jian, Watt M, Mathesius U. 2012. The autoregulation gene sunn1 mediates changes in root organ formation in response to nitrogen supply through alteration of shoot-to-root auxin transport. Pant Physiology. 159: 489-500.
5. Liu Xiaobing, Yansheng Li, Bingjin Han, Qiuying Zhang, Keqin Zhou, Xingyi Zhang, Masoud Hashemi, 2012 Yield response of continuous soybean to one-season crop disturbance in a previous continuous soybean field in Northeast China, Field Crops Research 138: 52-56.
6. Li Yansheng,Ming Du, Qiu-ying Zhang, Guang-hua Wang, Masoud Hashemi, and Xiao-bing Liu. 2012 Greater differences exist in seed protein, oil, total soluble sugar and sucrose content of vegetable soybean genotypes [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] in Northeast China, Australian Journal of Crop Science 6(12): 1681-1686
7. Liu Xiaobing, Charles L. Burras, Yuri S. Kravchenko, Artigas Duran, Ted Huffman, Hector Morras, Guillermo Studdert, Xingyi Zhang, Richard M. Cruse, Xiaohui Yuan 2012 Overview of Mollisols in the World: Distribution, Land Use and Management, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92(3): 383-402.
8. Liu X B, Charles L. Burras, Yuri S. Kravchenko, Artigas Duran, Ted Huffman, Hector Morras, Guillermo Studdert, Xingyi Zhang, Richard M. Cruse, Xiaohui Yuan 2012 Soil quality and Management of world Mollosols, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92(3): 381-382.
9. Miao Shujie, Qiao Yunfa. Distribution of Inorganic and Organic Phosphorus Fractions in Two Phosphorus-Deficient Soils as Affected by Crop Species and Nitrogen Applications, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012, 43:4, 631-644.
10.Miao S., Shi H., Jin J., Liu J., Liu X. and Wang G. Effects of short-term drought and flooding on soybean nodulation and yield at key nodulation stage under pot culture. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2012, 10:819-824
11.Zhang Weiwei, Zhaozhong Feng, Xiaoke Wang, Junfeng Niu. Responses of native broadleaved woody species to elevated ozone in subtropical China. Environmental Pollution, 2012,163: 149-157
12.Zhou Keqin, Liu X, Zhang X, Sui Y, Herbert SJ, Xia Y. Corn root growth and nutrient accumulation improved by five years of repeated cattle manure addition to eroded Chinese Mollisols. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2012, 92: 521–527.
1. Yu Z., Wang G., Jin J., Liu J., Liu X. Soil microbial communities are affected more by land use than seasonal variation in restored grassland and cultivated Mollisols in Northeast China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.09.001.
2. Liu J., Wang G., Zheng C., Yuan X., Jin J. & Liu X. Specific assemblages of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages isolated from upland black soils in Northeast China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2011, 43:1980-1984.
3. Wang G., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Spacial and temporal changes of cyanophage communities in paddy field soils as revealed by capsid assembly protein gene g20. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2011, 76: 352-359.
4. Liu J., Wang G., Jin J. Liu J., Liu X. Effects of different concentrations of phosphorus on microbial communities in soybean rhizosphere grown in two types of soils. Annals of Microbiology, 2011. 61: 525-534
5. Wang G., Yu Z., Liu J., Jin J., Liu X., Kimura M. Molecular analysis of the major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in an upland black soil in Northeast China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2011, 47: 273-282.
6. Jin J., Liu X., Wang G., Liu J., Mi L., Chen X., Herbert S.Leaf Nitrogen Status as a Main Contributor to Yield Improvement of Soybean Cultivars.Agronomy Journal, 2011, 103: 441-448.
7. Jin J., Wang GH., Liu JD., Liu XB., Liu JJ., Yu ZH., Herbert SJ. Seasonal allocation of photosynthetically fixed carbon to the soybean-grown Mollisols in Northeast China. Crop & Pasture Science, 2011, 62: 563-570.
8. Miao S., Qiao Y. Effects of phosphorus concentration on adaptive mechanisms of high- and low-P efficiency soybean genotypes when grown in solution. Plant Soil and Environment, 2011, 57: 61-66.
9. Yamagishi M., Zhou K., Osaki M., Miller S.S., Vance C.P. Real time RT-PCR profiling of transcription factors including 34 MYBs and signaling components in white lupin reveals their P status dependent and organ-specific express. Plant and Soil, 2011, 342: 481-493.
10.Watanabe T., Wang G., Lee C G., Murase J., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Assimilation of glucose-derived carbon into methanogenic archaea in soil under unflooded condition. Applied Soil Ecology, 2011, 48:201-209.
11.Zhang WW, Niu JF, Feng ZZ, Wang XK, TianY, Yao FF. Effects of ozone exposure on growth and photosynthesis of the seedlings of Liriodendron chinense, a native tree species of sub-tropical China. Photosynthetica. 2011.49 (1):29 - 36.
1. Liu X., Zhang X. and Herbert SJ. Feeding China’s growing needs for grain. Nature, 2010, 465:420
2. Wang G., Murase J., Asakawa S & Kimura M. Unique viral capsid assembly protein gene (g20) of cyanophages in the floodwater of a Japanese paddy field. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2010, 46:93-102.
3. Wang G., Watanabe T, Jin J., Liu X., Kimura M, Asakawa S. Methanogenic archaeal communities in paddy field soil in north-east China as evaluated by PCR-DGGE, sequencing and real-time PCR analyses. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2010, 56: 831-838.
4. Jin J., LiuX., Wang G., Mi L., Shen Z., Chen X., Herbert S. Agronomic and physiological contributions to yield improvement of soybean cultivars released from 1950 to 2006 in Northeast China. Field Crops Research. 2010, 115: 116-123.
5.JinJ., Wang G., LiuX., Mi L., Li Y., Xu Y., Herbert S. Genetic improvement of yield shapes the temporal and spatial root morphology of soybean (Glycine max) grown in north-east China. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 2010, 38: 177 - 188.
6. Liu B., Liu X., Wang C., Jin J., Herbert S. Endogenous hormones in seed, leaf, and pod wall and their relationship to seed filling in soybeans. Crop and Pasture Science, 2010, 61:103-110.
7. Liu B., Liu X., Wang C., Jin J., Herbert S. Responses of soybean yield and yield components to light enrichment and planting density. International Journal of Plant Production, 2010, 4:1-9.
8. Liu B., Liu X., Wang C., Li Y., Jin J., Herbert S. Responses of soybean yield and yield components to light enrichment and planting density. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010, 5: 551-554.
9. Liu B., Liu X., Wang C., Li Y., Jin J., Herbert S. Soybean yield and yield component distribution across the main axis in response to light enrichment and shading under different densities. Plant Soil and Environment, 2010, 56: 384-392.
10.Watanabe T., Wang G., Taki K., Ohashi Y., Kimura M., Asakawa S. Vertical changes in bacterial and archaeal communities with soil depth in Japanese paddy fields. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2010, 56: 705-715.
1.Wang G., Murase J., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Novel cyanophage photosynthetic gene psbA in the floodwater of a Japanese rice field. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2009, 70:79-86.
2.Wang G., Jin J., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Survey of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in rice fields in Northeast China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41:423-427.
3.Wang G., Hayashi M., Saito M., Tsuchiya K., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Survey of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in Japanese paddy field soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41:13-20.
4.Wang G., Murase J., Taki K., Ohashi Y., Yoshikawa N., Asakawa S., Kimura M. Changes in major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages with soil depth in two Japanese rice fields. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2009, 45:521-529.
5. Wang G., Xu Y., Jin J., Liu J., Zhang Q.m Liu X. Effect of soil type and soybean genotype on fungal community in soybean rhizosphere during reproductive growth stages. Plant and Soil, 2009, 317:135-144.
6. Wang G., Jin J., Liu J., Chen X., Liu J., Liu X. Bacterial community structure in a Chinese Mollisol under long-term natural restoration, cropping and bare fallow history estimated by PCR-DGGE. Pedosphere, 2009, 19:156-165.
7.Jin J.,Wang G.,Liu X.,Chen X., Liu J.Temporal dynamics of rhizosphere bacterial community in relation to soybean genotype in black soil estimated by PCR-DGGE method. Pedosphere. 2009,19: 808-816.
8.Xu Y., Wang G., Jin J., Liu J., Zhang Q., Liu X. Bacterial communities in soybean rhizosphere in response to soil type, soybean genotype, and their growth stage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41:919-925.
9.Miao S., Qiao Y., Zhou L. Aggregation stability and microbial activity of China’s black soils under different long-term fertilization regimes. New Zealand journal of Agricultural Research 2009, 52: 57-67.
1.Liu X., Jin J., Wang G, Herbert S. Soybean yield physiology and development of high-yielding practices in Northeast China. Field Crops Research, 2008, 105:157-171.
2.Zhou K., Yamagishi M., Osaki M., Masuda K. Sugar signalling mediates cluster root formation and phosphorus starvation-induced gene expression in white lupin. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2008, 59: 2749-2756.
3.Zhou K., Yamagishi M., Osaki M. Paenibacillus BRF-1 has biocontrol ability against Phialophora gregata disease and promotes soybean growth. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2008, 54: 870-875.