◆General introduction
The Research Group of Soil Ecology, belonging to Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was founded in 1978. Our group, led by Prof. Xiaozeng Han (principle investigator), has 7 faculties and 11 graduate students now.
Our research program mainly focus on the relationship between soil, climate and human activities in agro-ecosystem, soil nutrient cycling, water cycle in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, and the adaptive management and sustainable development of agro-ecosystem in the black soil region in Northeast China. In recent years, our group has published more than 70 papers including about 20 SCI papers, such as the papers published on Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Plant and Soil, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Journal of Soils and Sediments, etc.

◆ Research Team
Xiaozeng Han, Professor (principle investigator)
Research interests: Plant nutrition; Soil Ecology
Phone: +86(451)-8660-2940
E-mail: xzhan@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Yunfa Qiao, Research Associate
Research interests: Carbon and nitrogen transformation processes in soil
Phone: +86(451)-8660-1048
E-mail: qiaoyunfa@163.com
Chunlong Liu, Research Associate
Research interests: Animal ecology
Phone: +86(451)-8669-1101
E-mail: liuchunlong1976@163.com
Lujun Li, Research Assistant
Research interests: Potential and mechanism of soil carbon sequestration in black soil.
Phone: +86(451)-8660-1048
E-mail: lilujun@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Xueli Ding, Research Assistant
Research interests: Application of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique combined with biomarkers in plant-soil carbon/nitrogen transformation processes; Microbial responses to agricultural management changes (e.g., cropping system, tillage, and fertilization).
Phone: +86(451)-8660-1048
E-mail: dingxueli@neigaehrb.ac.cn
Na Li, Research Assistant
Research interests: Plant nutrients and soil fertility
Phone: +86(451)-8706-1443
E-mail: bluena820@163.com
Wenxiu Zou, Research Assistant
Research interests: Water cycle in agricultural ecosystem and crop water use efficiency; Spatial variation associated with soil water; Effects of fertilization practices on soil structure.
Phone: +86(451)-8706-1443
E-mail: zouwenxiu@hotmail.com

◆Research Areas
ØCarbon, Nitrogen, and Water Cycles in Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
ØSoil Nutrient Cycling and Its Bioavailability
ØMicrobial Mechanisms Controlling Soil Properties of Agricultural Ecosystems
ØRelationships between Crop Nutrition and Adaptive Fertilization Management
◆Research Projects
● 04/2010-08/2012: National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB100506)
● 01/2011-12/2015: National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB134509)
● 01/2010-12/2012: Natural Science Foundation of China (40971152)
● 01/2011-12/2013: Natural Science Foundation of China (41001138)
● 01/2011-12/2015: Strategic Priority Research Program - Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Related Issues of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, XDA05050501

◆Recent Publications
1. Han, X.Z., Li, X.H., Uren, N., et al. 2011. Zinc fractions and availability to soybeans in representative soils of Northeast China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11: 596-606.
2. Ding, X.L., He H.B., Zhang ,X.D., et al. 2011. Plant-N incorporation into microbial amino sugars as affected by inorganic N addition: A microcosm study of 15N-labeled maize residue decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43: 1968-1974.
3. Ding, X.L., Zhang, B., Zhang, X.D., et al. 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 114: 43–49.
4. Song, C., Wang, E.L., Han, X.Z., et al. 2011. Crop production, soil carbon and nutrient balances as affected by fertilisation in a Mollisol agroecosystem. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 89: 363–374.
5. Qiao, Y.F., Miao, S.J., Han, X.Z., et al. 2009. Root and Microbial Contributions to Soil Respiration during a Soybean Growing Season. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 40: 1658–1673.
6. Tang, C., Han, X.Z., Qiao, Y.F.. et al. 2009. Phosphorus deficiency does not enhance proton release by roots of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Murr.]. Environmental & Experimental Botany, 67: 228–234.
7. Li H.B., Han, X.Z., Qiao, Y.F., et al. 2009. Carbon Dioxide Emission from Black Soil as Influenced by Land-Use Change and Long-Term Fertilization. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 40: 1350–1368.