On September 21-29, 2011 on a basis of Agreement on Co-operation Between Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 11 Chinese scientists joined a conference “MOLLISOLS OF UKRAINE AND CHINA: GENESIS, PROPERTIES AND FERTILITY MANAGEMENT” in Kiev.
About 150 participants from different regions of Ukraine, representatives of the State Technology Center of soil protection and fertility "Derzhrodyuchist", agrologists from North-East Institute of Geography and Agroecology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, scientists from Japan and other countries took part in the conference.
The conference discussed issues of quality, renewal of soil fertility and rational using of land resources of Ukraine and China".
Scientists of China and Ukraine paid attention to the fundamental researches of soils and soil covering, especially at soil biology, as special natural bodies, which are very important in human life and biosphere, stable social-economic development of the society. It was mentioned that humanity faced a pernicious ecological facts, in particular soil degasifying.
The threat of global ecological crisis accrues and it is not yet aware. The process of depletion of natural soil fertility continues in both countries. Large area covered by water and wind erosion, soil acidification processes, its salinity, flooding and waterlogging, etc. Soil covering is a thin, specific coating of Earth, flora and fauna biodiversity is connected with it. Its solving in the conditions of soil degradation is not possible.
In the conference framework the participants visited Southern branch of NUBiP of Ukraine “Crimean Agrotechnical University”, Education and Research Center of Biology and Ecology of Subtropical Plants and Landscape Science (Crimea, Nikitskiy botanical garden), where learned about genesis and properties of red-brown soils, enterprise “Biotech” in Boryspil district, Kyiv region (modern technologies of potato and cereal crops growing).
As a result of the conference was made decision about preservation and renewal of a unique soil resource of mollisols.