The visiting of Professor Edwin E. Lewis from University of Idaho, USA |
Professor Edwin E. Lewis, one famous international nematologist and entomologist from the department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology, University of Idaho, was invited by Agricultural Pest Control Group on Oct. 23-28th, 2017. Currently, he is Chair of the department and Director of the Center for Health in the Human Ecosystem, University of Idaho. He served as Associate Dean at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis and Professor before he joined in Univ. of Idaho in 2017. He is alsoEditor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Biological Control’. His visit was supported by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts. He presented one excellent and interesting talk about ‘Movement and infection behaviors of insect-parasitic nematodes: Behavioral studies enhance biological control’ to our scientists and students in Harbin. After the talk, our scientists and students actively communicated with Professor Lewis about his research. Professor Lewis also praised our latest research achievements.The two sides discussed the deeper collaboration. Following Professor Congli Wang and Associate Professor Chunjie Li accompanied with Professor Lewis to visit their collaboration institute, College of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultural University. Three of them gave a talk in the college, respectively. They discussed further collaboration together to explore the variation of biological characteristics of entomopathogenic nematodes from northeast or northwest areas in China or USA, which will provide theoretic basis for effective biological control with entomopathological nematodes.  